This week if, I’m being honest, passed by reallllly slow!!
Since it is the beginning of a new transfer we are trying to find new
people to teach. Let me tell you it is not all that easy contacting people all
day long and knocking on doors seeing if people want to receive the restored
gospel. We encountered all sorts of people this week--people who just want you
to give them the invite to church and leave them alone, others who are
anti-mormon and will ask you questions all day long criticizing the church, or
others who stop you in the street and start crying and pouring out all their
feelings to you when you don’t even know their names, and others who accept
your invite but don’t live in your area so you can’t teach them. I’m just
kidding. There is a bright side to this story everyone! We have been teaching a
family who lives next door to a member in the ward who is so excited about the
gospel it warms my heart. Viviane, our investigator, is way more excited about
church and now stays the whole time. On Tuesday she invited us to come over and
have dinner with her. They are going to make us food from japan because her
husband is from Japan. I am excited because it is not rice and beans (which is
all they eat here in brazil)!!
It was raining a lot this week but stopped and was beautiful
on Saturday on my birthday. I prayed to Heavenly Father and told him that if I
could have one present for my birthday it would be a beautiful day so we could
work hard on Saturday!! I can tell you for sure he answered my prayers! It didn’t
feel like my birthday on Saturday. I had to tell myself the whole day that it
was my birthday. We had a normal day finding new people to teach and teaching
our investigators. One woman we are teaching didn’t know about Mormons and
thought the Book of Mormon was our bible. We explained that we believe in the bible
and the Book of Mormon. She was really interested and said she will read! My
favorite family in this ward made lunch for me and made a cake for my birthday
it was so sweet. I think this was one of my favorite birthdays--serving others.
The primary program here was on Sunday and let me tell you it
was the cutest thing ever--kids singing primary songs in Portuguese. Doesn’t
get better then that. The spirit was so strong. Viviane’s little girl was
singing in the primary program as well. I have never been so happy!!
I love you all! Thanks for everything!!
Until next weeekkkkk.
Sister Erickson
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